Substance Use Prevention and Education

The foundations substance use prevention and education program aims at equipping young individuals with the knowledge, skills, and awareness to make informed and healthy choices regarding substance use. The program focuses on raising awareness about the risks associated with drug and alcohol use, providing accurate information about the consequences, and teaching refusal skills to resist peer pressure.

Our education and prevention efforts will empower young people to make responsible decisions and avoid the potentially harmful effects of substance abuse. Prevention and education not only protect the well-being of our youth but also contribute to building healthier, more resilient communities by reducing the societal burden of addiction and related issues.

Field Based Services

The foundations Field-based services for youth will appoint certified SUD counselors, peer specialist, and experienced mentors, at local schools, boys’ and girls’ clubs, short term residential treatment programs (STRTP) facilities and community centers to provide direct support and resources to young individuals in their own communities or environments., rather than in traditional institutional settings. These services are designed to address the unique needs and challenges that youth face and offer a more personalized and accessible approach to support.

Field-based services will include mentoring, SUD counseling, educational support, job training, recreational activities, and case Managment services to at-risk youth living in underserved communities. We will engage young people where they are, build trust and rapport, by offering services tailored to their specific circumstances.

The foundation filed based services program will reach youth who might otherwise fall through the cracks.

Intensive Case Management

The foundations (ICM) service will provide comprehensive and personalized support to young individuals, typically between the ages of 16 to 24, who are facing complex challenges, such as homelessness, mental health issues, substance abuse, or involvement with the justice system. Our approach involves a highly individualized and collaborative process, with the primary goal of helping youth achieve stability, independence, and improved well-being. Listed are key elements of Youth Intensive Case Management:

  • Assessment: A thorough assessment of the individual's needs, strengths, and challenges is conducted to develop a customized plan.
  • Goal Setting: Specific, achievable goals are established in collaboration with the participant. These goals often relate to housing stability, education, employment, and overall well-being.
  • Resource Coordination: Our case managers will connect participants to various services and resources: to include, housing assistance, mental health counseling, substance abuse treatment, healthcare, education, and employment programs.
  • Advocacy: Our case managers will advocate for each participant’s rights and needs, while serving as a liaison between the participant and service providers.
  • Skill-Building: Case managers provide coaching and support to develop life skills, including budgeting, job readiness, conflict resolution, and emotional regulation.
  • Crisis Intervention: Youth Intensive Case Management offers crisis response and assistance to address immediate issues, such as mental health crises or housing instability.
  • Regular Monitoring: The progress of the young person is continually assessed, and the case plan is adjusted as needed to adapt to changing circumstances.
  • Empowerment: The approach aims to empower young individuals by involving them in the decision-making process and helping them build their self-esteem and resilience.
  • Prevention: In some cases, Youth Intensive Case Management may also involve preventive measures to address potential issues before they become crises, such as preventing homelessness or addressing early signs of substance abuse.

The foundation case managers recognize the unique needs and vulnerabilities of this population and provide a holistic support system to help them overcome challenges and transition to independent and stable lives. We utilize a strengths-based, client-centered model to empower youth to reach their full potential and improve their overall quality of life.

Work Experience Mentorship Program

The foundations Work Experience Mentorship Program is a structured initiative designed to provide youth and young adults with an opportunity to gain practical experience in a specific field or industry. The program will pair participants with experienced mentors or professionals who can guide, support, and teach them about their chosen career path. Here are some key components and benefits of the work experience program:

  • Mentorship: The heart of the program is the mentor-mentee relationship. Mentors are typically seasoned professionals in the chosen field, and they offer guidance, share their knowledge, and serve as role models for the youth participants.
  • Skill Development: Participants in the program have the chance to acquire valuable skills related to their chosen industry. They can learn hands-on and practical skills that will be valuable in their future careers.
  • Career Exploration: Youth in the program can gain exposure to various aspects of the field, helping them make informed decisions about their career paths. It can also open their eyes to different career opportunities within the industry.
  • Networking Opportunities: Building a professional network is crucial for career advancement. The program can help youth establish connections and build relationships with professionals and peers in their chosen industry.
  • Confidence Building: Interacting with mentors and participating in real-world work experiences can boost the confidence and self-esteem of the youth, making them better prepared for their future endeavors.
  • Resume Building: Work experience gained through such a program can enhance a participant's resume and make them more competitive in the job market.
  • Personal Growth: In addition to professional development, youth can also experience personal growth and increased self-awareness. This can lead to improved decision-making and goal setting.
  • Goal Achievement: The program can help youth set and work towards specific career goals, with the guidance and support of their mentors.
  • Building a Strong Work Ethic: By working alongside experienced professionals, youth can learn about the importance of a strong work ethic, punctuality, and the value of hard work.
  • Long-Term Career Benefits: Many mentorship program participants find that the skills and knowledge they acquire set them on a path to a successful career in their chosen field.