YPF school-based services will appoint peer mentors in local schools. Our goal is to reduce substance use through prevention and education.
Intake Procedures: YPF mentors will assist participants with the intake process by explaining all documents to be signed, such as Demographic Information. Consent for Services. Release of Liability. Participants under the age of 18 must have parent/guardian signature.
Group Activities: Peer lead discussions, in a group setting, designed to support and encourage positive changes within the participants life and reduce the problems associated with growing up in the inner cities.
Substance Use Prevention Education: Youth will receive education on negative effects of commonly used substances and be taught alternatives to substance use.
Mentoring: A personal relationship between a participant and mentor that addresses problems, creates goals, objectives, and interventions, that supports and encourages youth as they transition though life.
Life Skills Coaching: Activities that focus on the development of interpersonal skills. Youth will receive coaching and education that include financial planning, time management and professional conduct in a public setting.
Recreational Activities: Planned outings that promote team building and strengthen relationship between peers, mentors, and participants.
Vocational Skills Training: Youths will be introduced to certain careers by professionals in their field. Youths interested in the job training program will be referred for assessment and placement within local communities.
Frequency of services will be contingent upon counselor or administrative recommendation. The minimum requirement is 2 hours weekly, for 8 weeks. Following the completion of 8 weeks of satisfactory program participation, youths will receive a certificate of completion and a $50 gift card.